Wins will be good

I keep track of the W's and L's on this magnetic schedule in my office. More W's please!

I keep track of the W’s and L’s on this magnetic schedule in my office. More W’s please!

I am so ready for this Dodgers series.   I’m not ready for the rehashing of all the stuff from 2011 and “the trade” but putting the drama aside I’m just ready to see the Red Sox kick it back up.

Regardless of the gut-wrenching extra-innings, one-thirty in the freaking morning, my God why did I stay up for that loss against the Giants, that series was fun and successful and hopefully will help this team get back on track. Right now the Red Sox are 10-10 in the month of August. Not terrible but still too many L’s for my liking. I want more W’s and I want them to come courtesy of the Dodgers.

The Sox won’t be facing Zack Greinke or Clayton Kershaw in this series, although they’ll be facing pretty damn good pitching in at least two of the three games, so at least the Red Sox have a sporting chance here, right? I mean it should be easy to beat the team that is 19 games out of first place (hello, reigning World Champion San Francisco Giants) but the team leading that division by 9.5 games is going to be a bit tougher.

Regardless of how this season turns out, the fact that on August 23rd they are in first place when last year on this date they were 13 games out of first should make us all deliriously happy about this season.  I keep telling people this and, for the most part, I believe it myself. But, dammit, these bastards have made me greedy and I want it to keep on going.

If nothing else comes of this season I am absolutely convinced that John Farrell should win the AL Manager of the Year. Given what he has to work with (at the very least with his pitchers), that he’s brought the last place losers of 2012 to first place for the better part of the season in 2013 is damn impressive.

The only things I’m not looking forward to this weekend?  10pm game tonight (which isn’t horrible, at least it isn’t a school night!) and national games both Saturday and Sunday. (Suddenly everyone wants the Red Sox again – although there’s probably that whole blowback from last season where the networks thought the Red Sox would be sucking and they could mock “the trade” all weekend. Sucks to have to look for another storyline, huh?)

Now seems like a good time to remind local folks that you can listen to the Red Sox on WEEI instead of watching it on Fox or ESPN.

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