Koji was ready for his MVP Award (Photo by Kelly O’Connor/SittingStill and used with permission)
So earlier this year the site had some major technical issues and I essentially lost all of my blog entries from 2012. At the time I didn’t mind much…sure my ego wants to save everything I write, especially the stuff I put a lot of thought into, even if they are just blog entries, but the part of my heart that holds everything baseball was almost happy that I had no written proof of my own about the year of Bobby Valentine.
Now there is a part of me that wouldn’t mind re-reading some of that stuff because the contrast between how I (we?) felt last year and how I (we) feel this year is ridiculous. But I’m one who doesn’t believe in regrets, so on we move.
Holy cow, people, the Red Sox are going to the World Series!!!!
Over the next few days, hell over the next week, we’ll hear and read a lot about how a Red Sox/Cardinals World Series is boring; people will complain about the beards and we’ll have to endure Joe Buck and Tim McCarver for at least four games. Know what? All of it will be totally worth it. Without a doubt in my mind, regardless of the outcome, the next week of baseball will be the happiest I’ve had (WE’VE had?) since 2007.
Not that a few of the years between then and now weren’t fun but the team that finished in last place…the team whose sold-out streak ended because people had just had enough…that team is going to the World Series. They won the East with the best record in the American League. The from the bottom to the top, from first to last, from losers to winners…all those story lines might sound contrived to those outside of Red Sox Nation* but we now what kind of misery we experienced between September of 2011 and September of 2012. So those who think it’s just a cute way to introduce the rest of baseball to the 2013 Boston Red Sox can moan all they want because we know how difficult a road this was for both the fans and the team.
* I don’t love the Red Sox Nation tag but my experiences with this blog and elsewhere on the Internet have taught me that it’s not completely without merit. Red Sox fans, GENUINE Red Sox fans are all over the country (and beyond) so for the purposes here I think Red Sox Nation is fitting. There are plenty of Red Sox fans who aren’t in New England who suffered as much as those of us here did.
Both today and yesterday when I woke up my first thought was “I can’t believe Shane actually hit that grand slam!” The feelings about this postseason might not be as intense as 2004 but man they’re just as fun. And while I don’t expect the Red Sox to steamroll over the Cardinals, I do believe they’re going to win. Maybe not in a sweep, but I think they’ll do it. I feel like this is the year they win it at home.
And I can’t friggin’ wait.