It took about seven years but my ADHD finally infiltrated my blogging habit. It wasn’t that I haven’t been paying attention to the Red Sox, it was that sitting down and writing about it wasn’t something I was physically or, apparently, mentally able to do in anything more than 140 character bursts. So since April, Toeing the Rubber sat here untouched until one day about a week or so ago when I decided I was ready to start writing again. And that’s when I discovered I was locked out of my own site. So after a lot of back and forth (the site was “attacked” and it took a lot of effort to get me my control back) I was finally able to get back to where I wanted to be. I’m looking at it as a bit of a clean slate…trying to keep the blog clutter-free and without even links to my past blog entries…and an opportunity for me to get back to the kind of blogging I enjoyed back when I started doing this as “Red Sox Chick” back in July of 2005 over at MLBlogs.
So right now I have no clear idea of how I’ll be using the blog but I’m definitely back. (Some of you are familiar with my short attention span and won’t be surprised to learn that I considered ditching the “Toeing the Rubber” title as I did RSC to complete rebirth. But I have to admit, I really like the name ‘Toeing the Rubber and won’t be parting with it any time soon!)
Thanks to all who stuck around even when there was nothing to see and welcome to those of you new to my baseball ramblings!