Possibly the best picture ever taken. I will fight you on this. (From the ring ceremony for the 2007 team – taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill and used with permission)
I am heading to Fenway today (this morning actually…making a very long and fun day of it) and while this isn’t the first time I’ve been to Opening Day and it’s the second time I’ve been to a World Series ring ceremony, I’m still pretty damn giddy.
Holy cow. Did you read what I just wrote? I’ve been to a World Series ring ceremony and am going to another. And I know folks who will have been at all three. Every so often, like just now, it hits me how incredibly fortunate we are as fans to be witnessing this in our lifetimes. If you aren’t a sports fan you don’t get what a pleasure this is (then again, if you aren’t a sports fan the chances are very good you aren’t reading this blog so never mind!).
The Red Sox come back to Fenway today having won the first series of the season (and as an added, meaningless bonus, the Sox are in first place and the Yankees in last). I hear birds singing, the sun is starting to peek out and I know it’s going to be a good day!
I hope everyone gets to find a place to watch the ceremony today. I’d love to say “take the day off” but I know that’s tough for some people so I’ll just say “try to work around it!”…we need this ray of sunshine after this long freaking winter, don’t you think?
Happy Opening Day, folks!